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Have I have asked you to pray as a kid and you didn’t get it right? Or you were asked to go all over again because you missed the order of communicating your thoughts to God. Prolly started with “God protect us, guide us, be with us” without giving regards to whom it is due before tendering your request, not even asking for forgiveness of sins.

the lord’s prayer

In the book of Mathew 6:9-13, Jesus Christ honored the request of His disciples when they asked Him how they could pray. 

Prayer in our world today is a pointer to how we can go into the presence of God every day, acknowledging, praising and making our requests known to Him.

Jesus Christ didn’t give us these exact words to use as a watchword to recite after praying or close of service, but He gave us to serve as a model and structure of how we can have a conversation, build and sustain our relationship with Him.

The major three categories in the Lord’s prayer include praying for the things we need “Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive our sins. Save us.” Praying and allowing God’s will over ours “Your kingdom come, thy will be done…” and finally, praising and revering Him “Hallowed be thy name.”

This is a perfect example of how to pray, not with vain repetitions or flowery words.

There are different ways we can pray or intercede for our friends and loved ones. Some of them include:

Happy Birthday Prayer

This is the prayer you make for a friend or loved one on their birthday. A good example is “As we celebrate your birthday today, I thank God, for placing you in my life as a gift. I pray that this year, you will come to the fullness of what God is calling you into in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Prayer for boy/girlfriend 


This Is the prayer you offer on behalf of the person you are in a committed relationship with. Example of such prayer is “God, I thank you for instituting this relationship I have with your daughter/son. I pray we place you at the center of our relationship and honor you with it in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.”

The Lord’s Prayer (KJV)

“Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done,

on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins

as we forgive those who sin against us.

Lead us not into temptation

but deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power,

and the glory are yours

Now and forever. Amen.”


Morning Prayer


The morning prayer is the conservation you have with God in the early hours of the day. It could be in a place secluded for prayers or in your room. An example of a morning prayer is “Lord, I thank you for the gift of another day. I thank you for the chance to make yesterday better and secure the future in you. I pray today that you be with me, fill me with your spirit, help me today in all my endeavors, and let people around me be blessed in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Written by: Adeola Oke

Adeola Oke volunteers with the Content Team at Sycamore Church.

(Blogposts are creative expressions generously provided for Sycamore Church. The ideas and thoughts do not necessarily represent the position of Sycamore Church)



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