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Sycamore Wrapped Series (Feat. Temi Adedotun)


Meet Temi Adedotun

Gratitude Moments

I’m grateful for God’s love and grace. I’m grateful for the constant work of the Holy Spirit in my life and I’m grateful for friends, family, and community.

Biggest 2024 Highlight

I didn’t lose sight of God.

Overcoming Challenges Faced In The Year

I faced final year and school challenges (haha). I wouldn’t tell the story of my final year journey, without Sycamore Campus Connect. I could totally relate to Paul in the bible getting stoned, but something about him being around people that were there for him, strengthened him. I was stoned, but Campus Connect strengthened me.

(Temi and Jomiloju)

Experiencing Miracles

Finishing university with a grade I thought was impossible at some point was a miraculous experience. God really showed out for me, and even showed off by adding an extra of winning the best original essay in my department. That surprised me even more, because I worked on a topic that had never been done before.

Favourite 2024 Sermons

My first favourite sermon was What the Bible says about Masturbation, Lust, and sexual desires. For me, this sermon was a huge turning point in my life. One of the biggest battles I faced, coming into a relationship with Jesus, was lust.

There were the highs, when I could abstain for a while; and there were the lows, when I doubted if I was still worthy of God’s love, after falling yet again. I struggled with understanding the concept around masturbation, lust, and sexual desires, to the point of ALMOST telling myself that maybe this is the type of Christian I should be.

But hearing this sermon REALLY changed my life. It felt like God giving me answers to questions I didn’t know I was subconsciously asking.

The entire Identity Series was another favourite sermon for me because from my senior secondary school days, I’ve been called names that have influenced my life, because I thought I had to prove to people that I wasn’t what they were calling me, even though I knew I wasn’t.

I let people define who I was, not just in a bad sense, but even a ‘good sense.’ So I let people determine if my actions and words were ‘good.’ But this sermon made it clear whose voice should be the loudest in my life, and that has changed a lot. I’m a lot more particular about what God says about me, than any other person.

Finding God’s Will for Relationships is my third favourite sermon. It was very personal to me, because I had just come out of a relationship that I asked at some point if it was God’s will for me—for us. I’d wanted visible SIGNS about a relationship, like reading about it in the Bible, or hearing God’s voice about it, and so before getting into my previous relationship, it felt good in many ways, and I believed that it had to have been from God.

This sermon revealed to me that God’s will for my relationships, isn’t one that will compromise on my values; and it doesn’t take me off the path of purpose.

Sycamore Worship Song That Best Describes 2024

Furnace Faith best describes my 2024 because I experienced certain things that didn’t feel good to me, but were good for me.

Shout Outs

I’d like to give a shout out to Eme Agbor, Jomiloju Adeleye, Anthony Ebengho and Imoh Ibok. I am grateful for their influence over my life.

(Temi and his friend, Eme)

Final Thoughts and Prayers

I pray that a good number of my friends see Jesus for who He truly is. I pray that our church community continues to be a safe space for everyone. And I pray that my family will keep on waiting on the Lord.

(L-R – Imoh, Temi, Anthony)

Interview by Osham Ndubisi

Osham serves with the Content Team at Sycamore Church 

(Blogposts are creative expressions generously provided for Sycamore Church. The ideas and thoughts do not necessarily represent the position of Sycamore Church)

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