My name is Amaka Nwabeke, fondly called Amakason. I am a spoken word poet and writer. I am a student of the Communication and Language Arts, in the University of Ibadan.
Grateful Moments
What am I most grateful for this year. I’m grateful for a bunch of things:
Sometime in June, God interrupted my social media break (of about 4years) and told me to start sharing on social media more. That was very difficult but it has somehow made sense. I’m grateful for every life that each post has blessed.
I’m thankful for my relationship with God. It has grown in leaps and bounds this year.
I’m thankful for every project I’ve embarked on this year. Thankful for ABIDE. An event I hosted in November. God really helped me through that.
I’m thankful for school as well. Happy to finally be putting a full stop to this phase of my life.
Highlights of the Year
This year had its many ups and downs. But a few of the moments that stood out for me were:
All the times when I had the opportunity to minister God’s word through poetry.
Creative Show.
I hosted an event sometime in November and while it was hard, it went well.
Then the best part is the fact that this would be my last Christmas as an undergraduate. That makes me so happy.
Challenges in the Year 2024
Omo, they were a lot.
School posed so many challenges. We had two exam seasons and it was intense but God carried me. Sycamore helped a lot. Just coming to church on Sundays experiencing the soul-lifting worship sessions, getting genuine hugs and seeing people smile was always great at carrying me through the week.
Then to top if off, Pastor Tolu Moody would just preach a message that would address all the stress and questions you’ve had through the week.
Another challenge I experienced were times when it felt like God had left me. Where I felt like He wasn’t with me. Those times were not comfortable at all. But then I’ll get to church and hear Pastor Tolu explain the goodness and reliability of God. Then voila, I leave with some strength to go through the next week.
Experiencing blessings or surprises
There has been many. God has been good but I think the one that I remember right now was when I really needed money and someone just sent me random money out of the blues.
That was a really welcome surprise.
Favourite Sermons
Where do I even start from? Every sermon was phenomenal but to answer this question, I remember very vividly the sermon he preached on the Parable of Sister Skilaskila and a Dubai Proposal. It was great and that’s beside the fact it has a catchy and funny title.
The sermon content was life-changing and such a blessing to me. I also loved the How to Make Work Work Series, How to be Sane in Insane Times. I enjoyed it, I needed it, it blessed me and it really gave me principles for living.
I also liked all the sermons in How to Find God’s Will Series, a great resource. Every sermon that PTM has preached had been as though God showed him my life and told him to speak to me. It’s been exactly what I needed for the season. I am so thankful to God for Pastor Tolu Moody.
Worship Song That Best Describes Your Year
I think that the song that best describes my year as to be Gratitude by Brandon Lee. That song does something to me. It reminds me of the Goodness of God and how much I need to, if I really look back, realize that God has been good to me in ways that nobody else has been.
Every time we sing that song in church, if you can see me, my voice is probably the highest. It really does something to me. Especially when he said that, “Cause all that I have is a Hallelujah”. I don’t have anything fit for a king that I can give except for a heart singing Hallelujah, that part really does something for me because God is so good when we forget and when we remember, our heart is always in gratitude.
Shout Outs
People that have been impactful persons in my life in Church, are just five people. Of course, there’s PTM and PDM, phenomenal persons in my life, the things they teach, the way that they define God in their simplicity, in their passion, in their zest, in their leadership, amazing.
Then I have to shout out to Mr Remi Agun, who I like to call Uncle Rems, phenomenal leader, phenomenal man. Then I have my friends, Christiana, Témi, Otitọ, you see that five, seeing them in Church always make me glad.
Final Thoughts and Prayers
I hope that everyone around me prospers and excels in the next year.
I also pray that everyone around me comes into such a deep knowledge of God’s love for them. That they all know in such a deep way that, more than anything or anyone, God is rooting for them.
Interview by Ginaka Okechukwu
Ginika serves with the Content Team at Sycamore Church
(Blogposts are creative expressions generously provided for Sycamore Church. The ideas and thoughts do not necessarily represent the position of Sycamore Church)