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End of the Year Devotional (Day 3) – Renew

Scripture reading:And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” —Romans 12:2 NKJV

The world often pressures us to conform to unhealthy standards and expectations, pulling us away from who God created us to be. The weight of life’s pressures and the worries for the future can feel overwhelming, leaving us anxious and defeated.

However, when we choose to focus on God’s promises and meditate on His Word, our minds are transformed. As our thoughts align with His will, we gain the clarity to navigate life with confidence and joy, knowing we are walking in God’s purpose for us.

As we approach the new year, it’s a perfect time to invite God to renew our minds. This renewal isn’t just about changing our thoughts; it’s about allowing God to transform how we see ourselves, our circumstances, and the world around us. It means releasing old habits, negative patterns, and unhealthy standards that hold us back and embracing a new perspective grounded in His truth.

Though we can’t stop negative thoughts from arising, we can prevent them from taking root through Christ’s redemptive work—His death, burial, and resurrection. This renewal invites us to focus on Jesus, turning our attention away from the noise of the world.

Challenge: Take a moment to identify a mindset or habit you need to let go. Consider a healthier mindset or habit to replace it, and pray for God’s strength and guidance in embracing and sustaining that change.

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