Bible Reading: Colossians 4
We all love ‘main stage’ moments!
We will all naturally devote ourselves to follow, analyze, criticize and make assessments based on what we see in the main stage moments.
Inasmuch as the nature of life understandably puts the spotlight on the main stage, we must progressively come to learn that the details behind the scenes are what create the main stage moments. Better put, everything we watch on the screens is created by details behind-the-scenes.
And both are incredibly important!
When we read the concluding chapter of Paul’s letter, it feels like the light has shifted from the main stage details to the back stage, and we’re suddenly seeing the very important and crucial details that are underlying all that we see in the spotlight.
If you were one of the Colossians reading this letter, you suddenly become aware of all that the man Epaphras has been up to on your behalf! For all your love and adoration of Paul, you find you would also be incredibly grateful for Epaphras.
Epaphras doesn’t stand on the main stage- Paul does- but he has been faithfully shaping all that happens on the mainstage.
Epaphras sends greetings. He is one of you. He serves Christ Jesus. He is always praying hard for you. He prays that you will hold on tightly to all that God has in mind for us. He prays that you will keep growing in your knowledge of what God wants. He also prays that you will be completely sure about it. Colossians 4:12 NIRV
When the testimony of God’s work among the Colossians is being told, we are quick to talk about what God did through Paul and all the impact he made. We are quick to talk about the beautiful letter he wrote to them. And truly, that must never be undermined.
But for everything Paul did, we must never undermine the faithfulness of Epaphras in the shadows either.
This is not really a challenge to say ‘be an Epaphras’ or ‘be a Paul’, but to say that as we look into our lives and our plans, we make sure that we value the ‘Epaphras spaces’ in us, as well as the ‘Paul spaces’
The fruitfulness of life and destiny will demand both of us.
Let’s commit to being a faithful Epaphras, who understands the power of all that’s behind the scenes. Let’s be an Epaphras who stays faithful in prayer and in the things of the Spirit. Let’s be faithful in the intensity of strategizing, planning, monitoring, and all those back end things. Let’s be strong in things of integrity that nobody ever sees. Let’s not think light of character.
Battles are really not won at the war front. There’s a sense in which you show up to reveal the victory you have already won behind the scenes, not to win it.
Does your business have the Epaphras factor over it? Do your relationships have the Epaphras factor? Do your plans have the Epaphras factor? Does your Christian life have the Epaphras factor?
And then let the Paul factor show up too! Show up to the battles. Show up to lead. Show up to take the spotlight steps. Show up to the difficult but necessary conversations. Show up to reach out and speak to a loved one. Show up to work. Show up to study. Show up strong!
A successful story will be anchored on both the Epaphras and Paul factors.
Don’t just have a good heart, match it with a good appearance. Don’t just train your eloquence, build your content. Don’t just think well of people and be full of brilliant ideas, give expression to it.
For all that your life is and your endeavours, thrive by the Epaphras and Paul factors!
Tolulope Moody
Pray for complete insight into ALL of God’s will for your life.
Epaphras, who is one of you and a servant of Christ Jesus, sends greetings. He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured. Colossians 4:12 NIV
Akinyinka SimilOluwa
“Don’t just have a good heart, match it with a good appearance.
Don’t just train your eloquence, build your content. Don’t just think well of people and be full of brilliant ideas, give expression to it.”
I’ve always treated the Epaphras space as a means to an end, just mix am here, mix am there, see which one go blow. I’ve learnt that it is a space that demands a devotion of it’s own, a sense of faithfulness and it responds to this faithfulness with a faithfulness of its own in the show up space. Thank you sir.