Bible Reading: Colossians 2
It doesn’t take much to become big on our smallness!
In fact, if we aren’t consciously reopening our minds and hearts to rediscover truth and objectivity, we are already on our way to becoming so swamped into our smallness and making it a big deal.
We all have the tendency to take a big thing and cheapen it- the Colossians did, and we also do in this day and age.
You can almost touch Paul’s intensity as he tells the Colossians in our reading today not to cheapen the Christian conversation. And these words are so relevant to us thousands of years down the line.
Imagine you were that Prince you always read about while growing up- who owned an amazing fortune and inheritance, and is going to live with his bride happily ever after. Imagine you opted to marry a very lowly, unrecognized village girl simply because you loved her. You didn’t mind how messed up her background was, how smelly and dirty, and all that she was, you just did all the love things on her. You took her in, beautified her, lavished everything and told the world to check out your bride. You changed her name- gave her yours! Why all this lavishing? Love, love, love!
‘Babe, I love you so much’, you say to her, with all the weight your eyes can carry without building muscles.
‘No you don’t!’ she retorts
‘Why would you even think that, girl?’
‘The other day, on our wedding day, we drove past agbalumo and you didn’t stop to buy for me. I doubt your so-called love’.
How would that even be what you’re thinking of in this audacious love story?
Isn’t that what Paul is throwing at the Colossians: How is that even what you’re thinking of?
In the light of Christ, this heaven-breaking Saviour, and this amazing love and salvation, you’re building philosophies about whether a day is more important than the other, or whether some things should be touched or tasted or handled or not? Now you’re going all philosophical with ‘technically speakings’ and ‘critical considerations’
If we hear Paul’s heart, then we really need to put some of our senseless debates in the full light of Christ. We need to put some of the things we struggle to let go of in the full weight of being in love with Jesus. We need to put some of the ‘I’m not the type of person’ and ‘I can never’ flags that we wave into perspective. What do a love-lavished people mean by ‘I can never’?
The truth is if Prince should ask our agbalumo sister to lick his shoes, she should simply be asking ‘the left one or the right?’
Don’t cheapen this thing!
Do we even realize what it means for Christ to have died for us?! And then we bring that great story into our smallness and make it all about empty philosophies, vain wranglings and cheap ideas and arguments, like that is the point. We totally lose focus of the greatness of what we stand in.
As you start a new year, I pray you’ll not just run with your head down, but you’ll keep lifting your eyes to rediscover the intensity of the love of Jesus to you, and you’ll raise your conversations to that level.
Remember how much of a big deal Jesus was the day you first received him?
So live in Christ Jesus the Lord in the same way as you received him. Colossians 2:6 CEB
Tolulope Moody
Pray for vital, unbroken connection with Jesus that nourishes your whole life.
…stay connected to the head. The head nourishes and supports the whole body through the joints and ligaments, so the body grows with a growth that is from God. Colossians 2:19 CEB
1 Comment
Promise Mabadeje
This reminded me of the useless arguments we had back then in my undergraduate days of Sabbath or no Sabbath, wether eating sardine or all those other animals mentioned in the bible are clean or unclean.
They really aren’t worth it.
Thankyou sir.