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Day 6: A Saviour Called Jesus 

Bible Reading – Mark 1

Thoughts for Reflection:

(v 1 – 8) We see John the Baptist, who himself has garnered some fame and influence, clearly and emphatically pointing the attention and glory to Jesus. Consider today whether there are ways that you need to more emphatically use your influence and positions to ascribe the glory to Jesus.

(v 16 – 20) Jesus invites four different fishermen to follow Him, and they are all recorded to have responded ‘immediately’. They not only obeyed, they acted promptly. Reflect today on whether there are ways in which you have delayed and foot dragged on things you know you should be doing, and repent of not trusting God enough to act in immediate obedience.

In Prayer today:

Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed. Mark 1:35 NKJV

Pray today to have a strong and consistent habit of prayer. Pray that you will not tire of seeking God through all the turn outs of 2025.

Then Jesus, moved with compassion, stretched out His hand and touched him, and said to him, “I am willing; be cleansed. Mark 1:41 NKJV

Ask the Lord to fill your heart afresh with compassion and willingness. Ask that your heart will be genuinely moved with love for those around you, and that you will be overflowing with willingness and grace towards needs that surround you.

Verse of the Day

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