Bible Reading: Isaiah 40:28-31, Ephesians 3:14-21
One of my most annoying moments is taking my time to look through a restaurant’s bulky menu, defying my hunger to endure the difficulty of weighing all the several options, then making an order only to be told, ‘oh no, we don’t have that’. It’s especially annoying when its one of those restaurants that I know never actually has it, they just typed it on a menu to inflate their esteem.
Expectation dashed.
It’s like taking your weary self to a well and not finding water. Same feeling- expectation dashed. Or initiating a transaction and seeing the words ‘Insufficient Funds’. Ouch! Never a good feeling.
Is it only me that feels like the demands of this year are unprecedented? I feel like the things staring at me in the face that I’ll have to meet up to call for strength like I’ve never had or walked in. Maybe as you think of the next several months, there are things staring at you in the face that you know you really have to be strong for. Whether mentally, physically or even emotionally- life gets every one of us into those tight corners where we really need to stand up to it with a response of strength and not frailty.
Yesterday’s strength won’t do for today’s demands! I don’t ever want life to place a demand on me and I’ll reply with ‘Oh no, I don’t have strength for that’. Or in the face of the biggest opportunities that this year holds for me, I come up with ‘insufficient strength’.
The good news, as we look over the unprecedented demands, is that the Bible keeps us reminded that God is pleased to offer us a strength supply ‘according to the riches of His glory’ (Ephesians 3:16)
Please don’t just read over that- it’s really powerful!
How often do we approach the conversation of strength renewal from the point of our human mind that has been trained to think limitation- insufficient funds, orders not available at the moment, etc. How many things in front of you are you already feeling overwhelmed about or incapable for?
But Paul prays for the Ephesian Christians that their strength will be directly drawn from God’s riches in glory. In other words, except God’s riches in glory get exhausted and God is declared broke, I have a supply of strength to access!
Here’s what I’m learning- if I’m ever weak as a christian in the face of life and its demands, there’s something about the supply of God that I haven’t taken.
He invigorates the exhausted, he gives strength to the powerless. Isaiah 40:31 CJB
He empowers the feeble and infuses the powerless with increasing strength. Isaiah 40:31 TPT
It’s so beautiful that we’re waiting on God right at the start of the year! I don’t know about you, but this is me saying to God ‘2021 is an unprecedented year, I need unprecedented strength’ And my request is not going to bounce back from God’s end as ‘insufficient strength’ or ‘strength not available’
Ultimately, you’re as strong as your strength source. Would you stay reminded of that as you wait on God today? Would you stay hungry in prayer today for the strength that only God can give? Would you stay reminded and assured of His willingness to give it to you? And would you stay confident in the hope of this being the strongest season of your life ever?
In Prayer Today
- Like Paul prayed for the Ephesians (3:16), would you pray for an infusion of God’s divine strength into you, according to His riches in glory. If there are specific areas where you particularly need strength right now, pray specifically for it in those areas.
- Pray against tiring out in the course of this year- mentally, physically and emotionally. Ask the Lord to keep you on the front foot all through the year.
PS. I can barely wait for Saturday when we’ll get to gather online for Super Saturday, an amazing time of prayer that would end the first week of surging so strongly. I’m so expectant of all that God is set to do in this period.
I pray that for all that I have to do – work, business, relationship and service, there is an infused strength available in Jesus name! Amen!
Thank you sir
Kelechi Oyediji
I’m empowered with increasing strength.
Thank You Sir.
I receive divine strength of God in all spheres in Jesus name.
Thank you sir.
“except God’s riches in glory get exhausted and God is declared broke, I have a supply of strength to access!” – This is very loud
Strength According/Equal to to His Riches in Glory??
Amen! am as strong as my source! That’s so powerful!
Strength for the unprecedented
I am as strong as my strength source. Amen!
Mercy Aluko
Wow! Thank you, sir.
I am as strong as my strength source and Jesus is my strength source. Hallelujah ?
Favour Jonah
except God’s riches in glory get exhausted and God is declared broke, I have a supply of strength to access!
Mercy Max-Harry
Believing for strength for school and other life demands. I am as strong as my strength source. Hallelujah.