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Day 3- We Can Trust More!

Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 17:25-50, Jeremiah 17:7

How far has fear ever driven you? I’ve done very ridiculous things because of fear.

As a little kid, I once hid under a table and in the midst of my panicking and breathing hard, I  planned out how I would stay there for the next three and a half years, because I feared I had missed the rapture and I didn’t want my eyes plucked out.

I’ve wondered many times about how in the natural we grow into all our fears. Fears of the future, fear of need, fear of rejection, fear of people, fear of failure, and so on. 

We didn’t start that way.

There’s this blissful trust in a child. It fears nothing. It’s not anxious about anything.

I believe that as Christians we must again, and constantly, learn to be children- of God. 

Jesus taught us to be like the little children. Not childish- but child-like.

To have a trusting, tender heart. 

You remember that old hymn: ‘Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus…’

There’s a sweet combination of trust and obedience that reveals the bliss of the christian life. 

God doesn’t just want us to obey him. He wants us to trust him. Obedience will bring God results into your life. But trust will make the journey of obedience sweet. You wouldn’t have to go around tensed and anxious and all that over every God instruction.

1. We Trust That God is a Loving Father

The first consciousness  we must constantly affirm in trusting God is that He is a loving father.

God is a good God! We must never forget.

We must know for certain that His thoughts towards us are for our good. God is not some miserable kill-joy just out to control people. He’s a lover of people. He’s a good father. 

He looks out for our best. He calls us to the best we can ever be. He is for us, not against us.

If we remember that, we would trust Him the more. We will learn to interprete the events of life in the light of His love. 

Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him; Job 13:15 NKJV

2. We Trust That God is Able

The second leg of our trust for God is that He is actually able. 

God is not just the loving and good father who has a heart full of great intentions. He is actually able and strong enough to do exactly what He says.

The Bible reveals Him in that exact light- a God who is loving enough to save humanity, and able beyond measure to do that. 

As we navigate through the everydays of life, we will be delving between either of two sides of the pendulum swing:

On the one side, like the Israeli army, Goliath is ranting on us and our God-trust is depleting as our fear of Goliath rises;

Or the other side, like David, our Goliath-fear is depleting as our God-trust is rising.

Make a fresh push today to be on the right side of trust. Affirm anew that God loves you and He’s able to bring you to your best in every situation you’re in and watch it pump a fresh rise into your trust level. 

God doesn’t want us living freaked out and panicking. He wants us walking from one victory to the next, and more than that, to absolutely enjoy the process of each victory.

Can you be more resolute about your trust than you are about anything else?

Let trust be a traceable line through your life story. Through the moments you understand and through the moments you don’t; when you feel strong and when you feel out of your depth; when you know what to do and when you don’t; when you’re on a high and when you’re on a low… Let the constant be that you trust God.

Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord. Jeremiah 17.7

May you truly know that sweet blessedness today!

Something To Pray:
Would you take a moment today and outline five of the most challenging things ahead of you. Then deliberately affirm your trust in God over each of them. 


  • Jide
    Posted May 3, 2021 at 8:18 am

    I trust that God is a loving father and I trust that God is able.

  • Opeyemi
    Posted May 3, 2021 at 10:30 am

    He is Good and able to save …

  • Mercy Aluko
    Posted May 3, 2021 at 2:44 pm

    God loves me and He’s bringing me to my best in every situation.

  • A.S
    Posted May 4, 2021 at 6:08 am

    Amen. I am a blesses man because I trust the Lord.

  • Seun Sunmola
    Posted May 4, 2021 at 7:18 am

    Amen! I will trust that God is not only able to get me through life but He is willing because He is a good Father. Thank you sir!

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