Bible Reading: 3 John
We’ve already completed five books on this Surge journey! Between today and tomorrow, we’ll complete another two! We’ve read from Paul, Peter and James. Today, we move on to another writer, John, and we’ll round it off tomorrow with yet another writer!
Our reading today is a short, but profound letter from John to Gaius.
You can in some way read it as a story of two members of the Church.
On one hand is Gaius, who is greatly commended by John.
Let’s profile him: Gaius is the church member who doesn’t just hear truth each week, He walks in it (v 3-4); he has a consistent testimony with those who come around him (v. 3); he is generous and openhearted to the people of His church family and even others (v 5-6); he is a faithful man (v 5); he is in good standing with the leadership of the Church (v. 1)
On the other hand, is Diotrephes, another member of the church.
He is particularly keen about spotlights and being seen around church (v 9); he does not submit to the leadership of the church ((v. 9); he speaks against the leadership and authority of the church (v 10); he is not generous and open-hearted towards other Christians (v 10); he exerts negative influence on others within the church (v 10)
It’s interesting that they are both in Church, hearing the same messages and lifting hands to the same songs.
John encourages us to be imitators of what’s good. Maybe in every church setting, there are Gaiuses and Diotrepheses.
Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. He who does good is of God, but he who does evil has not seen God. 3 John 11 NKJV
So what’s better than being in Church and showing up again and again and hearing the words of truth and being in the company of believers?
Being a Gaius!
Read the profile again. Put ‘I’ in place of Gaius/he and read it aloud to yourself.
Tolulope Moody
PS: It’s Vision Weekend 2020! This evening, we have our Surgefest Mega Prayer Night (6:05 -7:30 pm) and tomorrow, we have our Vision Presentation Sunday by 9 am.
If you have areas of need you want us to be praying for over the weekend, you’re still welcome to send them in. Thanks to everyone who has sent in Praise reports! You’re still welcome to send in testimonies and praise reports of what God has done for you in this season of Surge and we’ll also love to know about your fasting experience!
Direct all to [email protected].
As you set your heart to be an imitator of good, pray for the grace to follow through.
Dear friend, don’t let this bad example influence you. Follow only what is good. Remember that those who do good prove that they are God’s children, and those who do evil prove that they do not know God. 3 John 1:11 NLT