Bible Reading: Exodus 3:1-22
There’s a way that a person’s level of involvement in anything can indicate how much of an insider they truly are. Whether it’s at a workplace, in a neighbourhood, or in a family. The question is what things pass over the person’s head? What things would the person be in the loop of and involved in?
When you see a lady who is dating a guy and you want to know whether she’s really been accepted in the family and considered as an insider, check out her level of involvement when the family has some random occasion or so. If some minutes before the event starts, you see her coming out from the guy’s parents room tying a wrapper or some house clothes, probably hasn’t even had a bath, but is giving instructions to the cooks of what ‘mummy’ wants and stuff like that, then you know that she’s in. If you however see her sitting outside with some guests, wearing a full make up, begging a waiter that she hasn’t been served, then let’s just say that the guy probably hasn’t yet introduced her.
There’s a level of involvement in anything that really confirms that a person is an insider.
When it comes to God and His plans and purpose, like any good father, He wants his children to be insiders. He wants us to be in on His heart and what He’s doing. He wants to give His children the beautiful privilege of knowing His heart, understanding it and following its passion. He wants children that are sensitive to understanding His heartbeat and live for its fulfilment.
We can only live in the rhythms of God’s heart beat by being involved at a personal level with what He is doing. God invites us to missional lives, marked by the courage to go on His assignment.
Going on God’s assignment doesn’t always involve changing location like Moses, or resigning your job or waiting to be done with school, and all that- in fact, more often than not, it is simply about doing the same things in a whole new consciousness. It is about going to work everyday with a consciousness that God is sending me here and seeking opportunities to use my place of work as my mission field. It is about realising that I’m not just in school to get a certificate, but I’m here on assignment from God. It is about being sensitive in all the basic things of life- with the fuel attendant when I stop refill, with the waiter at the restaurant, with the hair stylist waiting on me, with my colleagues in the gym, with the person on the other end of my WhatsApp chat, and so on. Being missional is all about going into everyday and into every thing as one that is on assignment for God.
As we wait on God, I really believe it’s an opportunity to sense His heart’s passion in a new way and to receive a courage to be about it. What for Moses was the sight of a burning bush, for us is the sight of the cross of Jesus. It is more than enough to propel us to come near and then to go.
It’s totally understandable and human to feel that sense of how being missional is something too big for you, or to have your fears or reservations. Hear what God told Moses in our reading today:
But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go…?” So He said, “I will certainly be with you…” Exodus 3:11-12 NKJV
God wants you to go in the courage that He is certainly with you, and quite honestly, that’s more than enough an assurance! God wants you to be aware that He is backing you up and blessing your little efforts.
Remember, this is not a thing for special christians. This is a thing for every single child of God!
Would you go into today with a new missional consciousness? Would you go into this year with a new sense of assignment for God?
Something To Pray
So He said, “I will certainly be with you…” Exodus 3:12 NKJV
Pray today for the courage to live your whole life on assignment for God, in the deep awareness that He is with you. Pray that the very ordinary things of your life will take on a new missional value.
So help me God.
God is with me. May I do my day with that awareness always !
BB Olotu
God invites us to missional lives, marked by the courage to go on His assignment.
I receive courage to go on His assignment and live everyday on a new missional value
Thank you Pastor T
Mercy Aluko
I pray for courage to live my whole life on assignment for God and in deep awareness that He is with me. Amen.
Thank you very much, sir.
Faith Chinnonye Okere
I receive the courage to live my whole life on assignment for God in the deep awareness that He is with me.
I receive courage to lead a missional life. I pray to see my involvements everyday as platforms to further the Kingdom of God. Thank you Jesus.
Thank you so much, PTM for bringing God’s word.
I Pray that the very ordinary things of my life will take on a new missional value.
Osham Ndubisi
I pray for the courage to live my whole life on assignment for God, in the deep awareness that He is with me. I pray that the very ordinary things of my life will take on a new missional value in Jesus name, Amen!
I am on a mission from God. I stay conscious of God’s assignment over my life in Jesus name.