Bible Reading – Mark 10
Thoughts for Reflection:
(v 13-16) In our reading today, Jesus places a great value on the little children- He recognises them, honours them and blesses them. This is both literal, but also an example for how we treat people who feel less than us in status or value. Consider who you can recognise, honour and bless today, and thereby be placing great value on them.
(v 35-45) Jesus highlights serving as the hallmark of true greatness. Reflect today and highlight for yourself the ‘serving perspective’ of core things that you do, and keep yourself conscious of that. E.g. I serve my family by___ , I serve my office by ___, I serve my best friend by___ , etc.
In Prayer today:
And Jesus answered and said to them, “Because of the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept. Mark 10:5 NKJV
Pray that your heart will be rightly tender towards God and all that represents Him to you this year. Pray that you will be teachable and leadable.
Many people criticized the blind man and told him to be quiet. But he shouted more and more, “Son of David, please help me!” Mark 10:48 ERV
Ask the Lord today to fill you with resilience in the face of all opposition that you will face this year. Particularly pray that the pressures of the world will not intimidate you out of a passion and focus on Jesus.
Verse of the Day