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Day 12: Examining The Heart 

Bible Reading – Mark 7

Thoughts for Reflection:

(v 1-23)  We see in our reading today how easy it is for us in our human nature to miss the point.  Like the Pharisees and Scribes, we can work so hard on the outside, but miss the point of the heart. Take a moment in reflection today, highlight a few things that matter so much to you and remind yourself of the heart and essence of why they really do. 

(v 24 -30) Notice that if the Syro-Phoenician Greek woman was looking for occasion to be offended, she would so easily have gotten it. But her desperation for the help of Jesus blindened her to justifications for offence. Consider honestly today how inclined you are towards being offended by God or people in your life, and what you might potentially be missing because of offence.

In Prayer today:

Thus you are nullifying and making void and of no effect [the authority of] the Word of God through your tradition, which you [in turn] hand on. And many things of this kind you are doing. Mark 7:13 AMPC

Pray today for the word of God to have its full effect in your life. Pray that as you seek God, your life will be made good ground for the word’s authority to be demonstrated and its power to be felt

Immediately his ears were opened, and the impediment of his tongue was loosed, and he spoke plainly. Mark 7:35 NKJV

Pray for ears that clearly hear what God is saying to you for this season of your life; and for utterance for clear expression of all that God has placed in you. 

Verse of the Day

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