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Day 11: A Miracle Worker Called Jesus

Bible Reading – Mark 6

Thoughts for Reflection:

(v 7 – 13) In our reading today, we see Jesus empowering his disciples by giving them authority. Reflect today on your relationship with some of the key people that you do life with, and consider ways that you can empower them- whether with your words, or affirmation, or by giving opportunities or authority. How can you be a more empowering person in this season?  

(v 30 – 44) Jesus models for us what it means to see people and look out for them even beyond the script, or expectations. It was more than enough to teach the people, but Jesus had a heart and consideration for their hunger even when it was costly for him. Reflect today on whether you rightly consider those that surround you? Do you actually see and hear them or merely do life with them?

In Prayer today:

Now He could do no mighty work there…  Mark 6:5 NKJV

Pray that your life will have the right atmosphere for God to do all the great and mighty works that He longs to do. Pray that you will not be lacking in faith or honour or alignment with God this year. 

Then He commanded them to make them all sit down in groups on the green grass. So they sat down in ranks, in hundreds and in fifties. Mark 6:39-40 NKJV

Pray for the wisdom and discipline of order and structure that will open the doors for the so much more that God wants to do in your life. Pray that you will not lose heavenly possibilities because of human carelessness.

Verse of the Day

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