Day 10- Acts 10
Bible Reading : Acts 10
Meditation Focus: The All Inclusiveness of the Holy Spirit
Thoughts For Reflection
- (V 1 – 33) Are you awed by God’s ability to connect people for impact and fulfilment? On one hand, a devout and longing Cornelius, and on the other hand, a fasting and willing Peter. God put the right desire, convictions and instructions in each of their hearts. Are there gaps in your life in this season where you can really do with a God-connection? What do you learn from this?
- (v 34-46) The all-inclusivity and generosity of the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit is pleased and ‘eager’ to reach all people- even people that preachers and churches have prejudices against reaching. On one hand, it should encourage you when you think about God’s generosity with the Holy Spirit towards you; but on the other hand, it should challenge you to collaborate more with God to bring more people in your influence space to the places where they can encounter Him for themselves. Are there prejudices that you need to let low to collaborate better with God?
In Prayer Today:
And a voice spoke to him again the second time, “What God has cleansed you must not call common.” Acts 10:15 NKJV
Pray that you will not limit what God is doing in your life in this season by your mindsets, prejudices and stereotypes. Pray that you will have the right kind of attitude and openness that collaborates with God.
Our reading today demonstrates the great blessing and fruit of obedience, even when we don’t understand. Cornelius obeys and brings Peter. Peter obeys and follows. And then God moves.
Pray today for a heart sold out in obedience to God. Ask that as you seek God, the Holy Spirit will shine His light on areas where you might have been holding back or delaying selling out in obedience, and will empower you to sell out totally so that you will see God move in your life like never before.
1 Comment
Amen sir.
I have learnt that God matches desires and stirs human connection. I should allow for more ‘kinds of people within my influence space’.
I’m also praying to be eid of prejudices and for my heart to be prompt in obeying Gods instructions.
So help me God.