Bible Reading : James 1
I wonder what kind of student you were in school.
You know, there were some subjects that had practicals as part of the subject content. The expectation was that students shouldn’t just know, they should do. And that’s exactly where the problem lay for some students- they would score so well in the theory, but would fail the practicals.
You would really expect that a student that knew the theory would easily do what he knew, but that wasn’t always the case. You would see Food and Nutrition students that could write out all the processes of cooking and analyse perfectly all the nutritional components of food, but couldn’t actually cook a simple meal to save their lives.
James is well aware of this.
The Book of James is largely an invitation to do. God doesn’t want people that are just head full, but are hand empty. He doesn’t want sons and daughters that just ‘make mouth’ all over the place, He wants people that practically live out the full of what they know.
Over the next few days as we study the book of James, you’re going to find him to somewhat be your practical teacher.
‘But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves’, he writes (1:22 NKJV).
I honestly never want to be self deceiving. I want to live in the full expectation that God has for my life.
What needs to travel the journey from your head to your hands this month? What do you know that you want to hold yourself more consciously to doing this new month?
You know that God asks you to be thankful in every situation (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Have you actually consciously been doing this? Have you been thankful in everything?
You know that God says you should ask for wisdom whenever you need it. (James 1:5) Have you been doing that or just complaining whenever you face situations that you don’t have the wisdom for?
Have you been forgiving freely those that offend you? (Matthew 5:44, Matthew 6:44)
Have you been giving honour to those who it is due? (Romans 13:7)
Have you been living generously? (Proverbs 11:24)
Can you be more kind? (Galatians 5:22)
We could go on and on with a list of things that we know, but maybe aren’t just necessarily doing to the full extent that we should.
Let’s take up a challenge. Decide two things that you know and you want to more consciously do better with this month. List them in the comments section. I’ll be praying together with you on them. Let’s believe that we’ll move some more from head to hand.
It’s a handful and fruitful month ahead of us!
Thank you very much Sir for this beautiful reminder.
I want to worry less and praise more
I want to consciously be a SACRIFICIAL giver this month and also Show LOVE even more.
Thank you for the amazing words
I want to do more of giving thanks rather than complaining in the face of situations that overwhelm me.
To live a generous life.
Thank you for these reminders sir.
1. Observing devotion every morning
2. Listening for God’s directives on my actions
Timely!. I want to be more trusting and believing.
Olusola Aleru
Thank you so much for these words sir. Really thought-provoking and empowering.
Two things I know and want to consciously do better this month will be:
1. Generously giving the gift of my presence more in my relationships
2. Reaching personally to people that I know need a Jesus encounter
I want to be more tolerant and ask for help when I need it
Precious Isola
I want to be more thankful in all situations and also be joyful in all situations
BB Olotu
Thank you Pops!
I want to be really thankful in everything
I want to be intentionally acknowledging God in all my ways
Thank you sir! I want to trust God more and to completely surrender all that I am and have to Him
Emmanuel Kemisola
Thank you so much PTM.
I want to be more thankful and worry less!
Esther Oluwasayo
I want to be anxious for nothing, but alawaus casting my cares into the Lord.
I want to be thankful in all situations
Esther Oluwasayo
I want to be anxious for nothing…but always casting all my cares unto the Lord
I want to be thankful in all situations
Thank you so much, sir!
This month, I want to consistently obey all of God’s instructions, not just those that I find convenient and not just when it is a good time for me.
Second, I want to praise God more and worry less about everything.
Oluwaseyi Agun
I want to stop worrying but trust God more, and I want to be more generous with my resources.
…a handful and fruitful month… Amen!
Thank you very much Sir, may God continue to bless you!
I want to be more thankful to God and put him first in everything I’m doing this month
Thank you so much for this reminder sir.
Two things I want to do more this month;
1. I want to start my day with Jesus everyday i.e my devotion
2. I want to trust Jesus with my ALL not just some
Blessing Smith
1)I want to be more faithful with everything God has placed in my hands , either big or small I don’t care, I just want to be more faithful and diligent .
2) I want to be more deliberate about seeking the kingdom of God, praying and listening to his word daily
IniOluwa Oyegbola
Thank you so much for this sir!!
I want to deliberately live in God’s peace everyday and to distinguish my faith from my feelings
I want to pray more and be louder about honour.
Thank you sir for the edifying words.
I want to practically live in and live out the Peace of God
I also want to consciously seek ways to grow in my leadership. Thank you Sir!
Ukairo Ugonna Idika
Praise more and trust more
Adebisi Adegbayibi
Grateful for the Word!!
I want to do more thanksgiving than complaining.
I also want to do more listening and leaning into God than my own understanding.
Thank you for this sir
I want to be more patient.
I want to praise God more, less worry.
Thank you so much for these words sir!
I want to be listening to God more and I want to be giving my heart more to leadership.
Amen! Thank you sir!
1. I want to not conform to the world…to avoid the pattern of living that is acceptable to the world system around me but not to God.
2. I want to meditate on the word of God more and it put it on my lips more this month.
Thank you!
1. I want to depend on God more
2. I want to worry less and praise more
I want to trust God more by listening more to Him.
I want to take prayer and the study of the word of God more seriously.
Thank you so much sir!
I want to be and live more consistently and intentionally.
Thank you so much sir.
This month;
1. I want to build a more intimate relationship with God.
2. I want to be trusting Him completely to help me show up and rightly steward all that He has committed to me.
Echanah Daniel
Thank you Pastor T.
I want to quit worrying and seek wisdom when I come up against challenges and task.
1. I want to engage in scripture memorisation more.
2. I want to consistently tell my own story of salvation to my friends so from there they can see the gracious grace of God.
Taiwo Adediran
I want to trust God more and consciously love people
Thank you Sir!
I want to love people and I want to be slow to anger.
Thank you sir!
1. I want to speak more kindness and encouragement to the people around me.
2. I want to be more focused and consistent with the responsibilities at work and in my ministry God has put in my hands.
Thank you sir!
I want to tolerate people better, and I want to forgive more.
Thank you so much sir
I want to be more generous to my friends and the people I find around me. And I also want to be consciously and actively thankful to God in every situation.