Bible reading: Matthew 5: 14 - 16
As Christians we sometimes wonder how we can make impact in our world outside the four walls of our church building. If you're like me, a software engineer, you may sometimes find yourself in a tussle to see how what you do on a daily basis can really…
Bible Reading: Genesis 28: 11-22, Genesis 2: 1-3
Have you ever written an examination that felt so simple?
You were so glad and convinced that you knew all the answers and so, you got to work. Questions 2, 3 and 5 looked simpler than the rest so you did those ones neatly and perfectly. You…
Bible Reading: Matthew 25:14-30, Colossians 3:23-24
Love propels people to action.
God’s love for humanity propelled Him to provide salvation for us through the works of Jesus.
Doing good works for God should not ideally be based on what we can receive from God in return. God’s love would not be unconditional if it was based…
Bible Reading: 2 Thessalonians 3:6-14
I remember at some point in time, after prayer, I’d carry this mindedness like "Oh Goodbye, God. See you the next time I pray", or something like that, as though I was leaving God behind in those 'sacred moments'.
We’ve all been there. Be honest.
Maybe for you, it would…
Bible Reading: Genesis 1:1-31, Genesis 2:5,15
Have you ever seen some habits (good or not so good) that you just happened to pick from your parents without necessarily being taught? Eating, writing, cooking, talking, and other mannerisms. You’ve probably caught yourself tasting fried plantain for salt, turning your head backwards to reverse a car instead…