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Day 6: Refocus Your Mind

Bible Reading: Philippians 4:1-13 When I started to play tennis, it didn’t take long to appreciate how deliberate and intense the game is! One of the things that particularly hit was that in tennis, every single hit you make is a different shot and must be deliberately worked out. Even if they look similar, a tennis player…

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Day 5: Refocus Your Love

Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 13:1-8 Have you ever had a movie-script kind of situation that ended with love making a way through for you? Maybe you were in a very tough conversation with a dear one, and then when you thought it was a hopeless standstill, love came through?  Or maybe you went the extra mile for…

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Day 4: Refocus Your Loyalty

Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 23: 8-17 Have you ever done something way beyond yourself for someone and didn’t get the appreciation and recognition you expected? Like going out of your way to create an incredible surprise moment for your spouse and then she just texts you ‘ok, noted’ where you were expecting some love and…

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Day 2: Refocus Your Enthusiasm

Bible Reading: Philippians 3:1-21 I remember one of the habits my brothers and I had growing up. We called it ‘pinching’ things around the kitchen. Mum could shout things like ‘did anyone take meat here?’ And a sincere reply could be something like ‘No, I just pinched a little!’ Pinching was so subtle that if you were the…

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