Bible Reading: Matthew 24:1-14
We live in a tense and troubled world.
Politics, governance and nation relationships are filled with various levels of aggression and tension. Maybe for you, it’s not even just about what you see on the screens and in the news- maybe you can relate to it in a very personal way: the…
Bible Reading: Romans 13:1-7
My wife has this interesting habit. Whenever I have told her about someone who she hasn’t met yet, she goes ahead and creates a picture of the person in her mind. She decides whether the name I have told her is a young or old person, fair or dark, tall or short.…
Bible Reading: John 1:35-51
When I was in Junior Secondary School, we offered a subject called Geography as a part of Social Studies. I liked Social Studies until it came to Geography. Geography really wasn’t my favourite- all that stuff about drawing maps and nations and all. It felt like it was the limiting factor for…
Bible Reading- Jeremiah 29:1-14
I remember how I would watch my little son get frustrated sometimes. If he was trying unsuccessfully to get something done- like to fit in a toy in a specific way or to get his bicycle out of a tight corner- and couldn’t do it, he would get angry, stop everything, and…
Bible Reading: Acts 17:22-31
Have you ever cursed your luck for landing in a wrong group?
Maybe a lecturer in school paired students up to work on an assignment together, and then you got paired up with that guy that is totally unserious and would never move a finger to get anything done. Now here you are…