Bible Reading: Romans 4:16-25, Habakkuk 2:1-3
There are times I get home quite late but I can be certain I will meet my young kids awake, running out of the door to welcome me home.
It largely depends on what I told them before I left. Sometimes in a situation of trying to manage the…
Bible Reading: John 15:1-27
Do you remember resumption days at the beginning of each new term in primary school, and the initial steam and determination to be a ‘proper child’ that you’d go to school with? Do you remember how you would want to write on the first page of your brand new exercise book and…
Bible Reading: James 2:14-26
My wife and I did a monthly registration at a gym sometime last year. Sorry, take that back. My wife and I did some charity donation sometime last year. We could have as well rather added the registration money to our offerings in church. Well, we used 2 or 3 days out…
Bible Reading: Mark 4:1-20
In my experience with young kids, when you ask them what they would love to have before going to shop, their answers don’t change based on the amount you offer. What they want is what they want. Whether you make a provision of one thousand, ten thousand or a hundred thousand naira…
Bible Reading: Matthew 9:14-31
When I was in Secondary school, there were quite a lot of parties that the guys would organise. Dressing to the parties was always a very big deal. I mean, people would go as far as selling out of sight items in their houses to buy ‘baffs’- items like a pumping machine…