Bible Reading: Acts 28
Meditation Focus: Preserved for God’s Purpose
Thoughts for Reflection:
1. (v1 - 31) Notice that Paul, who had willingly devoted himself to God’s cause, could not be stopped in spite of every obstacle. Despite opposition, threats, intimidation, stormy seas, a snake bite, and so on, Paul enjoyed God’s constant presence helping him through…
Bible Reading: Acts 27
Meditation Focus: Safe Through The Storms
Thoughts for Reflection:
1. (v1 - 38) Do you notice that when all else feels hopeless and there is nothing else to believe, God remains ever present in our lives with a sound of hope, encouragement and His promise?As I navigate a crazy world and sometimes difficult times,…
Bible Reading: Acts 26
Meditation Focus: Changed Life
Thoughts for Reflection
1. (v1 - 23) Notice how that at every opportunity, be it with the high and mighty or the unassuming, Paul’s testimony was about his changed life and of a Saviour who loved, forgave and moved him from darkness into light. Do you believe that much in…
Bible Reading: Acts 25
Meditation Focus: Blameless
Thoughts for Reflection:
(v1 - 27) Notice that in spite of all the conspiracies, false accusations and plots against him, Paul remained blameless and his message remained unchanged. If my haters were trying to bring accusation against me, would they have a basis to latch on to? Do I live…
Bible Reading: Acts 24
Meditation Focus: Contending for Truth
Thoughts for Reflection:
1. (v1 - 23) Notice how Paul calmly and confidently remains insistent on the truth of his faith even when he is falsely accused. Are there areas of life where my faith is being challenged or called into question? Do I resort to panicking and gimmicks…
Bible Reading: Acts 23
Meditation Focus: Certain Promises
1. (v 1 - 10) Notice how Paul’s inspired wisdom words were used by God for his deliverance from a difficult situation. Do I place the right emphasis on my need for and sensitivity to God’s wisdom in my difficult moments, or do I live with the assumption that…