In every church, there are leaders who help everyone feel connected and loved. Among other things, they are on the front foot of serving and making sure that other people find it easy to become integrated into the church family.
These leaders serve the church community with kindness and integrity.
We recently got to…
In a world that can seem increasingly chaotic, Sycamore Church's Creative Show titled "Bent", held on October 8th, 2023, was a welcome breath of fresh air. It was an exposé on how God can use the most painful parts of our lives to showcase His glory.
Recognizing that this show couldn't have happened without the…
Have you ever endured a grueling school schedule - with classes back-to-back from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m - and felt like you were drowning in coursework? After a few weeks of coping with this relentless routine, the pressure to prepare for tests and exams can leave you reeling, wondering – ‘Bhet, why school choke…
If you’ve ever wondered what God thinks about arts, talents, and creativity, know that you’re not alone. People have long explored ways to use their talents and creative expressions for the benefit of themselves as well as other people.
God - who gave us the talents - is also very much interested in having…
Sycamore Worship's new album, Never Less: Live in Church, is here, and it is beautiful. But it isn't the main focus of this blog post. Instead, we'll be doing something of an origin story, casting a spotlight on Sound of The New, the 2021 Sycamore Worship album that featured beloved tracks like Something New, Soul Command,…
Are you curious about what happened in the kitchen while Sycamore Worship cooked the Never Less album? Do you want to know all the deets about their songwriting process and how the team gets their creative juices flowing?
Well, look no further. This article will take you behind the scenes through an exclusive interview with the songwriters…