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How does it feel to have friends? Do you ever feel like life gets weighty or pressuring sometimes?

I mean, one moment, you’re feeling good and loving life, and another moment, you’re feeling overwhelmed with all the responsibilities of simply being human. 

In those moments, we all can relate to the wish to get away from the pressures and just connect with others to get a breath of fresh air.  

Lifegroups are those places.

4 gen Zs and millennials: Adura, Joseph, Oba, and Priscilla, share what lifegroups mean to them in this blogpost.

On feeling a sense of belonging with God’s people…

“I feel at home with my Life Group members, they’re not just a set of people that I share a church with. They’re family”


“I would say my Lifegroup is my family. Meeting with my Life Group members every Saturday just gives me an opportunity to unwind”


“Well, I would say lifegroups have made me more vulnerable. It kind of feels like a school where you have roommates. You share several vital moments of school with those roommates. That’s how a lifegroup feels to me”


“BeIng in a Life group is quite different from being in Church. In church it’s easier to say hellos and hiyas and move on but in life groups, the conversation doesn’t end at ‘hello’. 

Lifegroup conversations go deeper into the very essence of your christian walk and you get to talk about how you’re trying to trust God.

It’s literally about looking around you and realizing that you have your own people collectively creating a space where you are known and loved. It’s an overwhelming sense of belonging!”


On a more impactful faith journey…

“In my Life Group, we share our thoughts and glean each other’s experiences to apply what we learnt in church to our day to day lives. That simple act has made me accountable and a much more committed christian.”


“My Lifegroup complements what I’ve gained from church on Sundays. We spend extra time discussing the gospel. All that has helped to really drive sunday messages home”


“Lifegroups have given me the avenue to talk more about the gospel”


“Over the years, being in a life group has empowered my walk in life especially during the pandemic. It was such a hard time for me but coming in every week to discuss applications of God’s word to my everyday life, praying with my life group members was a relief.  The mere knowing that my Life Group members are holding me up in prayers has definitely impacted my faith journey.


On creating memories…

There was this time when in my Life Group, we were all just vulnerable about our experiences. The meeting ended with a great atmosphere of prayer, and I left the meeting refreshed and reassured of God’s undying love for me 


Literally, every meeting has been memorable because I always enjoy the heart-to-heart discussions and the soul-touching prayers we share. 


My best memories have been the life group hangouts”


From my various lifegroup over the years, my fondest memories are those moments where we believed God for something for one of us and the beauty of how God shows up.

Also playing games, having inside jokes, seeing everyone in my LG serve in church (very big highlight!)”


Wondering if a lifegroup is for you? 

“Honestly, join oooo, as soon as possible. There is no point dilly-dallying about whether or not to join. It’s a great thing for everyone to experience.”


As a French man would say “C’est très important” (it’s very important).  A lifegroup guides you naturally and unconsciously. It’s a Lifegroup afterall. We get to hold hands and take this voyage on a Jesus path, together.


“Don’t try to do life alone, travel with people who are like you growing in a God direction”


“Well I’d say take the leap of faith there’s nothing to lose”


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